sound installation with 2 speakers
exhibition Act I, One Thing Plus Another…, Toussaintkade 49, The Hague, 2018 (cur. Tlön Projects)
exhibition Chambres sourdes, Domaine de Rentilly, 2011 (cur. Audrey Illouz)
solo exhibition Legami invisibili, e/static > blank, Turin, 2010
exhibition Découpage (f l), e/static > blank, Turin, 2006
open studio ISCP, New York, 2005
Les heures creuses

Piece in English, orally translated by Miles Hankin.
The installation called Aloof remains hidden out from the listener. Behind a door, in a space plunged in darkness and which nobody can enter (blocked out and slightly ajar door), two speakers emit a sound scene: in the foreground of a space that can be imagined as a reverberating inside one, a child emits unintelligible vocal signs (between scream, singing and breathing) which a man, standing next to her, simultaneously translates into an articulated language, namely into English and in reported speech. In the middle distance, some ongoing urban rumor.

1 The Hague, 2018 – photo Gunnar Meier / 2-3 Domaine de Rentilly, 2011 – William Lacalmontie / Ghislaine Périchet / 4-5 e/static, Turin, 2010 – Carlo Fossati / D. P.
– text by Dominique Petitgand, book Les liens invisibles / The invisible links, CIAP, Île-de-Vassivière, 2015, Fr./En.
– transcription by Vanessa Desclaux in “Script for a struttering exhibition”, revue Život umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2010, Cr./En.