Notes, voix, entretiens / Notes, voices, interviews
published on the occasion of the residence in Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers
co-edition with École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts
18 € + postage
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Les heures creuses

bilingual French/English
128 pages
18 x 24 cm
coordinated with Guillaume Désanges
transcriptions and notes by Dominique Petitgand
interviews Dominique Petitgand with Guillaume Désanges
listening notes by Dominique A, Guillaume Désanges, Grand Magasin, Claude Lévêque François Piron, Loïc Touzé
English translation by Chet Wiener, Brian Holmes, Charles Penwarden
graphic design: wa 75 and Dominique Petitgand
co-edition ÉNSBA / Les laboratoires d’Aubervilliers
distribution Paris Musées
ISBN : 2-84056-126-3
Rather than a catalogue or artist’s book, this publication is conceived as a hybrid project, a collection of documents relating to the sound pieces made by Dominique Petitgand since 1992. It comprises a broad selection of these works, as transcribed by the artist, structured around two long interviews, together with “listener’s notes” by critics and other artists.
Its aim is to open up the body of work and to examine the different ways in which it can be represented, documented and transcribed.