sound installation with 3 speakers
Itinéraire (Itinerary) – version with English subtitles
exhibition Parallax, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, 2010
FIAC, gb agency, Paris, 2008
Les heures creuses
version with subtitles
Itinéraire (Itinerary). This installation connects three spaces and a central point.
Three speakers, mounted on a pedestal and divided out in three open and neighbouring spaces, emit one voice broken up into three units. A long sentence (the story of a journey and its many stopping places) is cut out into short fragments (unlike most of the other installations, it is not broken with silences) and successively shared out onto the three speakers, thus giving rise to three distinct acoustic perspectives. The different listening spots, movements and positions of the listener determine what is close, what is next to, and what is distant.
At a strategic place, which is central and equidistant between the three speakers, a video screen hanging on a wall shows the written translation of the words, which are here put back together into a retrieved unit.
English translation by Miles Hankin.
FIAC, Paris, 2009 – photos Marc Domage (avec les autres oeuvres présentées par gb agency)
Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, 2010 – photos Mike Bink