La cécité
sound installation with 5 speakers
exhibition ON/OFF, FRAC Lorraine, Metz, 2007
La cécité (Blindness) – version with English subtitles
solo exhibition, MUHKA, Antwerpen, 2006

The installation called La cécité takes up a lengthy space all in one piece with only one entrance and plunged in darkness and invites us to live an experience close to that which is narrated to us: the passage from darkness to light.
The entrance is left open, so the outside light can reach the first meters and then show the wayout to the visitor who, after being in darkness, turns his back. In the back of the space – pitch-black, a bottomless well – a speaker set up at ear level and oriented towards the entrance emits a voice (the story of a journey, from darkness to light, from isolation to the return amongst people). In the middle of the space, four speakers set up on the floor and turned upwards emit encompassing sound atmospheres: muted and groggy vibration during the slow blink progression then collective clear and bright hubbub which announces the return of the light.
FRAC Lorraine, Metz, 2006 – photos Rémi Villaggi

version with subtitles
La cécité (Blindness).
In this version for non-French-speaking countries, the sound stays
the same (voice in French).
Outside and in broad daylight, a video screen shows the written translation of the words that have been heard inside.
English translation by Chet Wiener.
– text by Guillaume Désanges, catalogue of the exhibition ON/OFF, FRAC Lorraine, 2006, Fr./Ger.