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CD Le bout de la langue

Le bout de la langue

musical label Ici, d’ailleurs… IDA032
15 € + postage
order here: contact or to order directly online

Les heures creuses 

1.   Le bout de la langue   
2.   Tôt
3.   Quelqu’étiquettes      
4.   La surdité
5.   La porte  
6.   La dispute
7.   La cécité  
8.   Par surprise
9.   La centrifugeuse
10. Une douleur spéciale
11. Fringale
12. La brosse à cheveux (muette)
13. Cette chanson
14. 6 + 1
15. Je m’endors
16. Présage
17. Au pied du lit
18. Extinction
19. Visite imprévue, zéro
20. La tamponneuse 
21. Bière
22. Soulagement / regret
23. Courants d’air
24. Au pied du lit (musique seule)

excerpt 10. Une douleur spéciale

musiques composées et interprétées par Dominique Petitgand


sound pieces by Dominique Petitgand

musics composed and played by Dominique Petitgand

with the voices of Bénédicte Petitgand, Marie-Henriette Petitgand, Colin Auvy,
Liza Maria Riveros,
Louise Goutin, Camille Auvy, Paoulo Riveros, George Caruzzo,
Marceau Rouselle,
Monique Gobillot-Rousselle, François Gobillot, Edit Zakàl
and Jean Petitgand

with the participations of Antoine Carolus (5 tzouras)
and of Jean-Pierre Viazzi (18 recording of urban mermaid)
mastering: F. Lor
cover picture: Christelle Chalumeaux
graphic design: et Dominique Petitgand
1, 2, 15, 19 already published in compilation Musique Action vol.2, Vand’Oeuvre, 1995
3, 16, 17, 18 already published in compilation Hörspiele 2, La Muse en Circuit / Sacem, 1995
10, 11 already published in compilation Ici d’ailleurs… vol.2, Sine Tera Firma, 1997

(p) & (c) Dominique Petitgand / Ici, d’ailleurs… 2001/2006


CD Mon possible

Mon possible

musical label Ici, d’ailleurs… IDA069
order here: Ici, d’ailleurs or bandcamp

Les heures creuses 

1.   intro Comptable
2.   Itinéraire
3.   La chambre sourde
4.   Dehors
5.   L’impossible
6.   Quelqu’un
7.   L’air qui rentre
8.   La porte ne s’est pas ouverte
9.   Le tour du cadran
10. Qui s’abat
11. Pleine nuit
12. Moi, qui
13. Lalalamour
14. La chaise
15. J’ai changé



excerpt 12. Moi, qui




sound pieces by Dominique Petitgand
musics composed and played by Dominique Petitgand

1: song composed and interpreted by Dominique Ané
12: guitar played and composed by Marc Sens
with the voices of Dominique Ané, Liza Maria Riveros, Bénédicte Petitgand, Edit Zakàl,
Paoulo Riveros, Marie-Henriette Petitgand, Colin Auvy, Camille Auvy and Norbert
with the participations of Christine Ott (4, 12, 14 ondes Martenot, recorded by F. Lor in 2001),
Antoine Carolus (7 violin, 8 guitar, 15 tzouras), Hervé Birolini (recordings 5 car mermaid, 13 window),
Yann Tiersen (3 banjo and cello), F. Lor (9 guitar)
mastering: F. Lor
cover picture: Stéphanie Suter / L’Arsenic Lausanne
graphic design: Thibault Sellier et Dominique Petitgand
thanks to Dominique Ané with autorization from Cinq7

(p) & (c) Dominique Petitgand / Ici, d’ailleurs… 2011

Proche, très proche

Proche, très proche
sound installation with 5 speakers

exhibition Agir dans le paysage, CIAP, Île-de-Vassivière, 2013
exhibition En quête de l’ange, Galeries Thermales, Nancy, 2013 (cur. Éric Didym)
Festival Entre cour et jardins, Parc de la Colombière, Dijon, 2009 (co-production Césaré Reims)
exhibition Home Sweet Home, CCCOD, Tours, 2006 (cur. Damien Sausset)

Proche, très proche (Close, very close) – version with English subtitles
solo exhibition, Motive Gallery Amsterdam, 2010

Les heure creuses 

The installation Proche, très proche, first version of Les liens invisibles, is a version with noises of the piece Quant-à-soi, here, showed outside, in a park. It consists of three separate sound levels.
The first level consists of natural sounds from the space, heard in the distance.
The installation is a dotted piece which lets the surroundings exist. The two other levels are produced by a set of nine speakers.
A first set of height speakers, arranged in arched circle, placed on the ground and facing up, form a belt that faces us once entered the wood plot and had few steps. They diffuses a series of noises, interrupted with silences, which move from one speaker to another. Each of these sounds is a gesture, a very brief action occurred on household objects in different ways. They follow a logic we can’t understand.
Further, the center of the plot, a nineth speaker is placed on a pedestal at ear height. It diffuses a voice. This voice is hidden, we can only hear it once we crossed the first barrier of speakers. His discovery depends on our travel, our listening. Advancing, we can discover, more or less loudly and clearly by the distance, a series of short sentences, interrupted also with silences that are distributed exactly synchronous with the noise from the first four speakers (this synchronism can hide the voice: for every sentence is a noise). When that voice appears, links are revealed, the story can begin : a woman speaks, she speaks about invisible links she has trouble to define. 






Parc de la Colombière, Dijon, 2009 – photos D.P.

version with subtitles

Proche, très proche (Close, very close).
In this version for non-French-speaking countries, the sound stays the same (voices in French).
In this indoor version, the first set of four speakers, arranged in an arched circleplaced on the ground and facing up, form a belt that faces you once you entered the gallery.
Further, the center of a smaller space, a fifth speaker is placed on a pedestal at ear height.  
On entering the small area, the step of the way that leads from the sounds to the (French) voice, a video screen on the wall diffuses the translation written and synchronous from the words.
English translation by Miles Hankin.

Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, 2010 – photos 1-9 Chris Bestebreurtje / 10 Martin Stig



– text by Dominique Petitgand, book Les liens invisibles / The invisible links, CIAP, Île-de-Vassivière, 2015, Fr./En.
text by Christophe Gallois, press release Motive Gallery, 2010, En.

Mes écoutes

Mes écoutes

video version (in French)
solo exhibition Documentation éparpillée, EMBA-galerie Manet, Gennevilliers, 2018

exhibition Où sont les sons ?, Centrale for contemporary art, Brussels, 2017 (cur. Nicole Gingras)
exhibition Brouhaha, Le Granit, Belfort, 2017 (cur. Mickaël Roy)
Festival Musique Action, CCAM-Scène Nationale, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, 2016
solo exhibition Il y a les nuages qui avancent, CIAP, Île-de-Vassivière, 2015
solo exhibition L’oreille interne, gb agency, Paris, 2013

paper version (in French)
exhibition Ellipse, galerie Circuit, Lausanne, 2019

solo exhibition Le fil conducteur, gb agency, Paris, 2017
solo exhibition La fréquence du secteur, La Compagnie, Marseille, 2017 (cur. Paul-Emmanuel Odin)


video version

Mes écoutes
is a silent work.
Hung at a wall, a video screen plays one after the other, the time required to read each of them, a series of 152 short texts in white letters on a black background. This is a project that I initiated in 2004, the set displayed is the most recent version to date, 152 texts from a work still in progress.
Each text describes how I listen in my own life. I am the listener who says I: a miraculous situation, an anomaly, an usual behavior, a memory, a state, from memory or described on the spot. Each text has a title, is at the same time autonomous and the component of a whole. This is how I always proceed: I make miniatures of which I think at the same time the autonomy and the place they can hold within a whole. A whole which builds up over the years, by addition, with no preliminary plan, no end.
This long onscreen display appears to have no beginning and no end, and is intended, unlike the sound installations that require a moving listener, for an immobile reader, seated on a bench.


1 EMBA-Manet, Gennevilliers, 2018 – photo Margot Montigny / 2 La Centrale, Bruxelles, 2017 – Philippe de Gobert / 3 CIAP Vassivière, 2015 – Aurélien Mole / 4 gb agency, 2013 –  Marc Domage


paper version

Each of the 152 text is printed on a A4 piece of paper. The whole gives form to a pile without joint lying on a table or a display stand and in open consultation.


1 gb agency, 2017 – photo Aurélien Mole / 2 La Compagnie, Marseille, 2017 – Mathieu Mangaretto


excerpts from video version




– interview with Églantine Mercarder, press release exhibition Le fil conducteur, gb agency, Paris, 2017, Fr./En.


excerpts published in books, catalogues or magazines

– book Mes écoutes, Éditions B42, 2022, Fr. (complete edition)
– book Une idée du Nord, by Pascale Cassagnau, Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions, 2015, Fr.
– book Sommeil léger, co-edition EPCC ESBA TALM site d’Angers/Le Gac Press, 2014, Fr.
– book La tentation du son, directed by Kaye Mortley, Phonurgia Nova, 2013, Fr.

– magazine Le Quai n°15, École Supérieure d’Art de Mulhouse, 2008, Fr.
catalogue of the exhibition Small Various Fire, Royal College of Art, London, 2007, En.
Revue & Corrigée n°69, 70, 71, 72, 2007, Fr.
Journal des Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers – Special Issue, 2007, En.
Journal des Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, 2006, Fr.


sound installation with 3 speakers

Itinéraire (Itinerary) – version with English subtitles
exhibition Parallax, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, 2010
FIAC, gb agency, Paris, 2008

Les heures creuses 

version with subtitles

Itinéraire (Itinerary). This installation connects three spaces and a central point.
Three speakers, mounted on a pedestal and divided out in three open and neighbouring spaces, emit one voice broken up into three units. A long sentence (the story of a journey and its many stopping places) is cut out into short fragments (unlike most of the other installations, it is not broken with silences) and successively shared out onto the three speakers, thus giving rise to three distinct acoustic perspectives. The different listening spots, movements and positions of the listener determine what is close, what is next to, and what is distant. 
At a strategic place, which is central and equidistant between the three speakers, a video screen hanging on a wall shows the written translation of the words, which are here put back together into a retrieved unit. 
English translation by Miles Hankin.





FIAC, Paris, 2009
– photos Marc Domage (avec les autres oeuvres présentées par gb agency)



Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, 2010 – photos Mike Bink


Les ballons

Les ballons
sound installation with 4 speakers

exhibition Une forme olympique, EAC HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, 2016 (cur. Jean-Marc Huitorel)
exhibition 10 ans d’expériences, Domaine Pommery, Reims, 2012 (cur. Bernard Blistène)
solo exhibition, gb agency, Paris, 2011
solo exhibition Quelqu’un est tombé, abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-l’Aumone, 2009


Les heures creuses 

The installation with 4 speakers called Les ballons is located in a huge and empty space.
Four speakers set up in the corners of the space emit the sounds of balls bouncing against different materials. Those sounds make the architecture sound, represent the distances, and define the listening temporality through back-and-forth phenomena, bouncing ones, and plays with the materials and movements created all over the space. The barn is a porous shelter that lets the outside seep in. The silences between the sound sequences, hollows and rhythmic punctuations, are as many inverted frames enabling the place, beyond the walls, to keep on making itself hear. 
Hit the ball hard, stubbornly, alone in a huge and empty place. Les ballons is a fiction with this simple story: somebody is playing with a ball and kicking it against the walls. A split which can be also evoke the loneliness, obstinacy that the game and the pleasure to dialog with a place.





EAC HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, 2016photos Stéphane Ruchaud


Domaine Pommery, Reims, 2012photos Antoine Espinasseau


gb agency, Paris, 2011photos Marc Domage


abbaye de Maubuisson, 2009photos Catherine Brossais



video captation gb agency, Paris, 2011
video captation abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône, 2009



sound installation with 2 speakers

exhibition Le domaine des murmures, Les-Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 2014
exhibition FIAC Hors-les-murs, gb agency, Jardin des Plantes, Paris, 2012
solo exhibition Quelqu’un est tombé, abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-L’Aumône, 2009

The installation called Exhalaisons is set outdoors. It is in a park and is located on a bench. Two speakers standing on the ground behind the seating audience emit sequences which last a few seconds. They are broken with silences. Each sequence, introduced and concluded by textless voices (breathing, coughing, humming), deploys a rumor, as some unstable state which adds up to the sounds which are naturally produced by the place and the urban environment.
The listening of the place (the activities in the distance, nature, the road, the trains) is aroused, favoured, all the more retrieved as it is impeded for a short while (a few seconds). The sounds of the piece which is being emitted are like stimuli, underlayers, like a skin, halfway between what is inside (the sounds of the piece) and what is outside (the sounds of the place).





1 Les-Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 2014 – photo D.P.  / 2 Jardin des Plantes, Paris, 2012 photo Magalie Meunier / 3-4 abbaye de Maubuisson, 2009 photos Patricia Langlois / Catherine Brossais 



video captation abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône, 2009
– text by Lillian Davies, New York, press article Artforum, summer 2009, En.
– text by Marinella Paderni, press article Arte e Critica n°51, Rome, 2009, it./En.


Le bout de la langue

Le bout de la langue
sound installation with 1 speaker

exhibition Babylone, Le CAP, Saint-Fons, 2017
exhibition Paysages avec objets absents, centre d’Art Fri Art, Fribourg, 2011
exhibition Some time waiting, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, 2007 (cur. Adam Carr)
exhibition Fragments d’une collection, prêt Kadist Art Foundation, Préfecture, Cayenne, 2007 (cur. Marie-Claude Jeune)
exhibition Un air de famille, Centre photographique, Lecture, 2004
exhibition Expander 1.0, Revue Bloc Notes, Espace Jousse-Seguin, Paris, 1999

Le bout de la langue (The tip of the tounge) – bilingual version Fr./En. with 2 speakers
exhibition The Space of Words, MUDAM, Luxemburg, 2009 (cur. Christophe Gallois)

The installation called Le bout de la langue breaks up, spaces out and loops the first part of the sound piece which bears the same title. It is an installation for one voice only. A unique speaker emits a voice: a specific dot in the space, mounted on a pedestal at ear level, more or less in the middle of a space.
Breathing, beginnings of sharply interrupted sentences, broken with silences. A woman is wondering, looking for something she suddenly does not remember. The duration of silences, depending on the context of the exhibition and the utilized place, gives the work a shape marked by stops and starts, making it both absent and present, first discreet then insistent to the ears of the listener who pays attention to it.

excerpt 1




1 Espace Jousse-Seguin, Paris, 1999 photo Stéphanie Ditche / 2-3 Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, 2007 – photos Kadist / 4 Fri Art, Fribourg, 2011 – photo Julie Langenegger


bilingual version Fr./En. with 2 speakers

Le bout de la langue (The tip of the tongue).
In the bilingual version the (French) voice is no longer the only one.
On another pedestal, a few steps from the first one, there stands a second voice,
that of the translator. This latter repeats and translates, into English and
in reported speech, close or far from the literal meaning.
Oral translation in English by Éric Baudelaire.

excerpt 2 bilingual version Fr./En.




 MUDAM, Luxemburg, 2009 – photos D.P.



postal card, 2003



interview with Christophe Gallois, catalogue of the exhibition The Space Of Words, MUDAM, 2009, Fr./En.



sound installation with 2 speakers

exhibition Act I, One Thing Plus Another…, Toussaintkade 49, The Hague, 2018 (cur. Tlön Projects)
exhibition Chambres sourdes, Domaine de Rentilly, 2011 (cur. Audrey Illouz)
solo exhibition Legami invisibili, e/static > blank, Turin, 2010
exhibition Découpage (f l), e/static > blank, Turin, 2006
open studio ISCP, New York, 2005

Les heures creuses 

Piece in English, orally translated by Miles Hankin.

The installation called Aloof remains hidden out from the listener. Behind a door, in a space plunged in darkness and which nobody can enter (blocked out and slightly ajar door), two speakers emit a sound scene: in the foreground of a space that can be imagined as a reverberating inside one, a child emits unintelligible vocal signs (between scream, singing and breathing) which a man, standing next to her, simultaneously translates into an articulated language, namely into English and in reported speech. In the middle distance, some ongoing urban rumor.





1 The Hague, 2018 – photo Gunnar Meier / 2-3 Domaine de Rentilly, 2011 – William Lacalmontie / Ghislaine Périchet / 4-5 e/static, Turin, 2010 – Carlo Fossati / D. P.



– text by Dominique Petitgand, book Les liens invisibles / The invisible links, CIAP, Île-de-Vassivière, 2015, Fr./En.
transcription by Vanessa Desclaux in “Script for a struttering exhibition”, revue Život umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2010, Cr./En.



sound installation with 4 speakers

exhibition Chères Hantises, works of the collection, FRAC Alsace, Sélestat, 2023
exhibition Expérience sonore, Musée d’Art Moderne, Troyes, 2016
solo exhibition Je, Centre Culturel Colombier, Rennes, 2008
exhibition Petites compositions entre amis, gb agency, Paris, 2005
exhibition Tracking the traces, Concordia University, Montréal, 2005 (cur. Nicole Gingras)

Je (I) – version with English subtitles
exhibition Je marche, j’ouvre une porte, je ferme une porte, Kasteel Wijlre, The Netherlands, 2018 (cur. Tlön Projects)
eures creuses 

The installation called Je takes up a space all in one piece. 
It is made up of four speakers set up on the floor, turned upwards, mounted and oriented according to a logic we do not understand. They can be walked across.  We can hear four characters (a girl, a boy, a woman, a man) in staggered rows describing in turns the actions they are carrying out. The architecture is one of short sentences broken with silences. Several stories appear, thread their way through the silences and cross each other through sentences which are repeated, swapped, associated and dissociated. 

version with subtitles

Je (I).
In this version for non-French-speaking countries, the sound stays the same (voices in French). Somewhere in the periphery, a video screen hanging on the wall shows the written and synchronized translation of the words. The translation can be made in English or in the language of the country.
English translation by Miles Hankin.




1-2 FRAC Alsace, 2023 – photos Pierre Rich / 3 CCC Rennes, 2007 – photo Mathieu Harel-Vivier / 4-5 gb agency, Paris, 2005 – D.P. / 4 Concordia University, Montréal, 2005 – Eric Matson

version with English subtitles

Kasteel Wiljre, 2010  – photos Peter Cox


invitation card CCC, Rennes, 2007



text by Pascalle Mansvelders, press article Beelden n°1, Rotterdam, 2018, Dut.
text by Nicole Gingras, catalogue of the exhibition Traces, Concordia University, Montréal, 2005, Fr./En.
